Friday 29 June 2018

CBSE Class 7 English Solution

Class 7 Honeycomb Solution Chapter – 2 A Gift of Chappals

Comprehension Check

1. What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu in the backyard?
Meena shared the secret of having a kitten in the backyard inside a torn football lined with
sacking and filled with sand. They found him outside the gate in the morning.

2. How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?
For getting milk for the kitten, Ravi told Paati that he is hungry when she saw him with glass of milk. Paati got suspicious so Ravi had to drink most of the milk and told Paati that he will wash the tumbler by himself. After that, Ravi ran and pour the milk into coconut shell and then ran back to wash the tumbler before Paati got really suspicious.

3. Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors are? Do you believe him?
He said the kitten’s ancestors was the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat, which was the emblem of the Pallava dynasty and the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat was descendants of the cat-goddess of Egypt.
No, I don't believe him.

4. Ravi has a lot to say about M.P.Poonai. This shows that
(i) he is merely trying to impress Mridu.
(ii) his knowledge of history is sound.
(iii) he has a rich imagination.
(iv) he is an intelligent child.
Which of these statements do you agree/disagree to?

5. What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran?
The sound of kreeching startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran. It was the sound of Violin that Lalli was learning to play.

Comprehension Check

1. The music master is making lovely music. Read aloud the sentence in the text that expresses this idea.
"The music-master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the invisible tracks of the melody. It was like the wheels of a train fitting smoothly into the rails and whizzing along"
This sentence in the text that expresses the idea that the music master is making lovely music .

2. Had the beggar come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time? Give reasons for your answer.
No, the beggar had not come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time because Paati said to Tapi that he had been coming in their house every day for the past week, and it’s time to found him another house to beg from!

3. “A sharp V-shaped line had formed between her eyebrows.” What does it suggest to you about Rukku Manni’s mood?
V-shaped eyebrow is formed only when people are in anger. This suggest that Rukku Manni was very angry in mood when she came to know about the missing chappals of the music teacher.

Working with the Text

1. Complete the following sentences.
 (i)  Ravi compares Lalli’s playing the violin to derailing of the train going completely off track.

(ii) Trying to hide beneath the tray of chillies, Mahendran tipped a few chillies over himself.

(iii) The teacher played a few notes on his violin, and Lalli stumbled behind him on her violin, which looked quite helpless and unhappy in her hands.

(iv) The beggar said that the kind ladies of the household kept his body and soul together on their

generosity for a whole week. He couldn't believe that they would turn him away.

(v) After the lesson was over, the music teacher asked Lalli if she had seen his chappals.

2. Describe the music teacher, as seen from the window.
As seen from the window, music teacher had the bony figure. He had a mostly bald head with a fringe of oiled black hair falling around his ears and an old-fashioned tuft. A gold chain gleamed
around his leathery neck, and a diamond ring glittered on his hand as it glided up and down the stem of the violin. A large foot stuck out from beneath his gold-bordered veshti edge, and he was beating time on the floor with the scrawny big toe.

3. (i) What makes Mridu conclude that the beggar has no money to buy chappals?

Mridu conclude that the beggar had no money to buy chappals because his feet were blistered.
(ii) What does she suggest to show her concern?
She suggested Mridu and Ravi about the pair of old slippers so that they could give it to the beggar.

4. “Have you children...” she began, and then, seeing they were curiously quiet, went on more slowly, “seen anyone lurking around the verandah?”

(i) What do you think Rukku Manni really wanted to ask?
Rukku Manni actually wanted to ask the children if they had seen the music master's slippers.

(ii) Why did she change her question?
She changed her question because children were curiously quiet and she suspected that children must have done something with chappals.

(iii) What did she think had happened?
She thought that the children have given the music-master’s chappals to that old beggar.

5. On getting Gopu Mama’s chappals, the music teacher tried not to look too happy. Why?
The music teacher tried not to look happy because he did not wanted to reveal his happiness of getting new chappals of Gopu Mama to others. He wanted to show that his own chappals were more expensive and branded one. Actually, he was very happy after getting Gopu Mama’s chappals.

6. On getting a gift of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute. Why was he in such a hurry to leave?
On getting a gift of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute because he did not wanted to lose the gift of those chappals. His feet were blistered and he couldn't have got anything better from that house.

7. Walking towards the kitchen with Mridu and Meena, Rukku Manni began to laugh. What made her laugh? 
Gopu Mama always in such a hurry to throw off his shoes and socks and get into his chappals as soon as he comes home. Rukku Manni began to laugh while thinking about the reaction of her husband after hearing this incident and when he came to know about that they had given his new chappals to the music teacher.

1. Read the following sentences.
   (a) If she knows we have a cat, Paati will leave the house.
   (b) She won’t be so upset if she knows about the poor beggar with sores on his feet.
   (c) If the chappals do fit, will you really not mind?

Notice that each sentence consists of two parts. The first part begins with ‘if . It is known as if clause.

Rewrite each of the following pairs of sentences as a single sentence. Use ‘if’ at the beginning of the sentence.
(a) Walk fast. You’ll catch the bus.
      If you walk fast, you’ll catch the bus.
(b) Don’t spit on the road. You’ll be fined.
      If you spit on the road, you’ll be fined.

(i) Don’t tire yourself now. You won’t be able to work in the evening.

(i) If you tire yourself now, you won't be able to work in the evening.
(ii) Study regularly. You’ll do well in the examination.

(ii) If you study regularly, you'll do well in the examination.
(iii) Work hard. You’ll pass the examination in the first division.

(iii) If you work hard, you'll pass the examination in the first division.
(iv) Be polite to people. They’ll also be polite to you.
(iv) If you are polite to people, they'll also be polite to you.

(v) If you tease the dog, it'll bite you.

2. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph.

Today is Sunday. I'm wondering whether I should stay at home or go out. If I go out, I will miss the lovely Sunday lunch at home. If I stay for lunch, I will miss the Sunday film showing at Archana Theatre. I think I'll go out and see the film, only to avoid getting too fat.
3. Complete each sentence below by appropriately using any one of the following: if you want to/if you don’t want to/if you want him to

(i) Don't go to the theatre if you don't want to.
(ii) He'll post your letter if you want him to.
(iii) Please use my pen if you want to.
(iv) He'll lend you his umbrella if you want him to.
(v) My neighbour, Ramesh, will take you to the doctor if you want him to.
(vi) Don't eat it if you don't want to.


Class 7 Honeycomb Solution Chapter – 1 Three Questions
Page No: 10
Comprehension Check
1. Why did the king want to know answers to three questions?
The king wanted to know answers to three questions because of the thought came to his mind  that he would never fail if he knew answers to these three questions.
2. Messengers were sent throughout the kingdom
   (i) to fetch wise men.
   (ii) to find answers to the questions.
   (iii) to look for the wise hermit.
   (iv) to announce a reward for those who could answer the questions.
Mark your choice:
(iv) to announce a reward for those who could answer the questions.
Page No: 14

Comprehension Check
Complete the following sentences by adding the appropriate parts of the sentences given in the box.
1. Many wise men answered the king’s questions, but their answers were so varied that the king was not satisfied.
2. Someone suggested that there should be a council of wise men to help the king act at the right  time.
3. Someone else suggested that the king should have a timetable and follow it strictly.
4. The king requested the hermit to answer three questions.
5. The king washed and dressed the bearded man’s wound, but the bleeding would not stop.

Working with the text
Answer the following questions.
1. Why was the king advised to go to magicians?
In answer to the first question, in order to decide the right time for doing something urgent one must have to look into the future. Since only magician could do that, the king was advised to go to magicians.
2. In answer to the second question, whose advice did the people say would be important to the king?
In answers to the second question, some said that the people most necessary to the king were his councilors, others said, the priests. A few others chose the doctors. And yet others said that soldiers were the most necessary.
3. What suggestions were made in answer to the third question?
In answer to the  third question, some said science will be most important. Others suggested fighting, and some said religious worship.
4. Did the wise men win the reward? If not, why not?
No, the wise men did not win the reward. The king got different for all the three questions he asked. He was not satisfied with any of them.

Page No: 15
5. How did the king and the hermit help the wounded man?
The king and the hermit helped the wounded man by providing him the shelter and protected from the army. The king washed and covered the wound of the man with his handkerchief, but the blood
would not stop flowing. The king re-dressed the wound until it stopped bleeding. They took him to hut for taking rest and king also gave him fresh water after being relaxed.

6. (i) Who was the bearded man?
Bearded man was the enemy of the king who swore to revenge him for seizing of his property and putting his brother to death.
    (ii) Why did he ask for the king’s forgiveness?
He asked for the king's forgiveness as the king had saved his life. He came there for taking revenge from the king but instead the king helped him to get better.

7. The king forgave the bearded man. What did he do to show his forgiveness?
The king showed his forgiveness by sending his servants and his own doctor to look after him, and he promised to give back the wounded man his property.

8. What were the hermit’s answers to the three questions? Write each answer separately. Which answer do you like most, and why?
In answer to king's first question, the hermit said that there is only one important time 'Now'. It is the only time when you have power to act.
In answer to king's second question, the hermit said that the most important person is the one with whom we are at the present.
In response to king's second question, the hermit answered that the most important thing to do is to do that person good.
I like the answer of the first question the most because time has the supreme power. It can take you to height if you do something good and can also make you fall on ground if you won’t act in presence. One should live and act according to present.

1. Match items in List A with their meanings in List B.
                fainted: lost consciousness
           A                                              B
(i) wounded                            got up from sleep
(ii) awoke                                      give back
(iii) forgive                 small patches of ground for plants
(iv) faithful                               severely injured
(v) pity                                             pardon
(vi) beds                                            loyal
(vii) return                                   feel sorry for

Use any three of the above words in sentences of your own. You may change the form of the word.

(i) wounded : severely injured                        
(ii) awoke : got up from sleep                            
(iii) forgive : pardon                
(iv) faithful : loyal                        
(v) pity : feel sorry for                                            
(vi) beds :  small patches of ground for plants
(vii) return : give back

I will ask my parents to forgive for my bad behaviour.
Dog is faithful animal of man.
I am feeling pity for my shameful act.

2. Each of the following sentences has two blanks. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the word given in brackets.
He has ........... to help me. Do you think he will remember his ............. ? (promise)
He has promised to help me. Do you think he will remember his promise?

(i) The .............. said that only fresh evidence would make him change his .................. .(judge)
(ii) I didn’t notice any serious .................. of opinion among the debaters, although they .............. from one another over small points. (differ)
(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to ................. ,but will you accept my .............. as final? (answer)
(iv) It isn’t .................. that .................. should always be the mother of invention. (necessary)
(v) Hermits are ................ men. How they acquire their ................. no one can tell. (wise)
(vi) The committee has ................. to make Jagdish captain of the team. The ................ is likely to please everyone (decide)
(vii) Asking for ................... is as noble as willingness to .................. . (forgive)


(i) The judge said that only fresh evidence would make him change his judgement.
(ii) I didn’t notice any serious difference of opinion among the debaters, although they differed from one another over small points.
(iii) It’s a fairly simple question to answer, but will you accept my answer as final?
(iv) It isn’t necessary that necessity should always be the mother of invention.
(v) Hermits are wise men. How they acquire their wisdom no one can tell.
(vi) The committee has decided to make Jagdish captain of the team. The decision is likely to please everyone.
(vii) Asking for forgiveness is as noble as willingness to forgive.


The Squirrel (Poem) By Mildred Bowers Armstrong

You may have seen a squirrel sitting on the ground eating a nut. What did it look like?
The squirrel is a rodent. His colour is grey with brown strips on its body. It looks like a baby rabbit as it is very small in size with fur on ts body. He generally lives in trees and is very quick. Squirrel likes to eat nuts. It has very bushy tail.It is an cute and naughty animal. 

Working with the Poem

1. Why does the poet say the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail”? Draw a squirrel, or find a picture of a squirrel sitting on the ground. How would you describe its tail ?

NCERT Solutions for Class 7th: The Squirrel (Poem) English

The poet said the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail” because the shape of the tail of squirrel sitting on the ground looks very similar to question mark.
I would describe it as fur of clothes clutched together or bushy shaped.

2. Do we usually say that an animal ‘wears’ a tail? What do we say? (Think: Does an animal wear a coat? Consult a dictionary if you like, and find out how ‘wear’ is used in different ways.)
No, we do not usually say that an animal ‘wears’ a tail. We usually say that animal 'has' a tail.

3. “He liked to tease and play”. Who is teasing whom? How ?
The squirrel is teasing the poet and his friends. When poet and his friends ran around the tree on which the squirrel is sitting, it went the other way teasing and playing with them


Class 7 An Alien Hand Chapter – 1 The Tiny Teacher

Comprehension Check

1. The story of an ant’s life sounds almost untrue.
The italicised phrase means
(i) highly exaggerated.
(ii) too remarkable to be true.
(iii) not based on facts.

2. Complete the following sentences.

(i) An ant is the smallest, the commonest but the wisest insect.

(ii) We know a number of facts about an ant’s life because people have kept ants as pets, and have watched their daily behaviour closely.

3. In what ways is an ant’s life peaceful?
An ant’s life is peaceful because they do their own work and never fight with other ants of the same group. They know sharing and contribution and do not interface in the other’s work.

Comprehension Check

1. How long does it take for a grub to become a complete ant?
It takes five to six weeks for a grub to become a complete ant.

2. Why do the worker ants carry the grubs about?
 The worker ants carry them about daily for airing, exercise and sunshine.

3. What jobs are new ants trained for?
The jobs which the new ants are trained for are workers, soldiers, builders, cleaners, etc.

4. Name some other creatures that live in anthills.
Some other creatures that live in anthills are beetles, lesser breeds of ants, greenfly etc.

5. Mention three things we can learn from the ‘tiny teacher’. Give reasons for choosing these items.
We can learn team work as ants do their work by sharing and contribution without interface in the other’s work.
We can learn hard work as ants spend their most of time in doing their respective jobs without hesitation.
We can learn discipline as ants live a disciplined life and always follow the rules of their group and loyal towards it.


2. Complete the following poem with words from the box below. Then recite the poem.

Soldiers live in barracks
And bird in nests ,
Much like a snake that rests
In a hole. No horse is able
To sleep except in a stable.
And a dog lives well,
Mind you, only in a kennel.
To say 'hi' to an ant, if you will,
You may have to climb an anthill.