Wednesday 28 April 2021

Class 10 Chapter 1 A letter to God Word Meanings

 Class 10 First Flight Chapter 1 A letter to God By G.L.Fuentes


1. delicately(Carefully)

2. poses (Causes)

3. crest (Top of a hill)

4. dotted (Spread in various places)

5. harvest (Ripe Crop)

6. downpour (Heavy rain)

7. intimately (Personally, Very well)

8. supper (Dinner)

9. predicted (Said in advance)

10. approaching (Coming nearer)

11. pleasure (Joy)

12. regarded (Looked steadily)

13. draped (Covered)

14. hailstones (Small balls of ice falling as rain)

15. resemble (Look like)

16. exposing (Leaving uncovered)

17. passes (Ends)

18. plague (Large number)

19. locusts (Species of Grasshopper)

20. solitary (The only one)

21. upset (Worried)

22. instructed (Taught)

23. conscience (Soul, Heart)

24. an ox of a man (Man working like an ox)

25. following (Coming)

26. daybreak (Dawn, Morning)

27. pesos(Currency of several Latin American countries)

28. troubled (Worried)

29. dropped (Put)

30. employees (Workers)

31. boss (Manager)

32. heartily (Very greatly)

33. amiable (Friendly)

34. broke out (Started)

35. commented (Remarked)

36. correspondence (Exchange of letters)

37. shake (Weaken)

38. evident (Clear)

39. goodwill (Friendly feeling)

40. stuck (Remained determined)

41. resolution (Determination)

42. obliged (Grateful)

43. charity (Kindness)

44. following (Coming)

45. a bit (a little)

46. handed (Gave)

47. experiencing (Feeling)

48. Contentment (Satisfaction)

49. performed (Done)

50. slightest (Little)

51. he (God)

52. denied (Refused)

53. wrinkling (Crease)

54. brow (Forehead)

55. licked (Made wet With the tongue)

56. affixed (Fixed)

57. mail (Post)

58. bunch (Group)

59. crooks (Dishonest people)

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