Wednesday 28 April 2021

Class 10 Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery Word Meanings

 Class 10 Footprints without Feet Chapter 1 A Triumph of Surgery By James Herriot

1. pampered (Spoiled with love)

2. overfed (Stuffed)

3. appearance (Condition)

4. bloated (Swollen,Balloon)

5. sausage (Meat)

6. bloodshot (Red)

7. rheumy (A watery discharge from the nose and eyes)

8. lolled (Hung out)

9. jaws (Mouth)

10. hastened (Hurried)

11. listless (Lazy)

12. energy (Strength)

13. malnutrition (Lack of proper diet, food)

14. malt (Barley grain)

15. Horlicks (Tonic)

16. relent (Give in)

17. tackle (Catch)

18. wondered (Thought)

19. mentioned (Referred)

20. lumbago (Rheumatic pain in muscles of lower back)

21. severe (Hard)

22. wrung (Twisted)

23. determined (Strong minded)

24. regime (Prescribed course of exercise and diet)

25. concern (Worry)

26. tweed (Woollen)

27. wardrobe (Cupboard)

28. drooping (Hanging down)

29. harness (Ornamental covering)

30. distraught (Upset)

31. bouts (Repetition)

32. rug (Carpet)

33. panting (Quick breaths)

34. fortnight (A period of two weeks)

35. observation (Inspection)

36. swooned (Fainted)

37. firm (Solid)

38. delay (Wait)

39. wailings (Crying)

40. wrapped (Covered)

41. roused (Wake up)

42. rushed (Hurried)

43. despairing (Full of disappointment)

44. glanced (Looked)

45. pathetic (Full of pity)

46. gasping (Breathing heavily)

47. patted (Touched)

48. wag (Shake)

49. lad (Child)

50. kick (Power)

51. surged (Crowded)

52. noisy pack (Gang of dogs)

53. sniffing (Making sound with the nose)

54. whimper (Muttering, crying)

55. trotted (Moved taking short steps)

56. engulfed (Get down)

57. greyhound (The hunter dog)

58. surplus (Over)

59. liable (Responsible)

60. jostling (Pushing)

61. rapid (Fast)

62. scrimmages (Fights)

63. tramped (Crushed)

64. squashed (Defeated)

65. shaggy (Rough)

66. hovered (Stay close)

67. anxiously (Worriedly)

68. bulletins (News)

69. dodged (Avoided)

70. convalescing (Gaining health)

71. convalescing (Gaining health)

72. dawn on (To appear)

73. enrich (To make rich)

74. ceremonial (In the manner of ceremony)

75. constitution (Physical construction)

76. inhaled (Breathed in)

77. reverently (Respectfully)

78. sustained (Maintained)

79. temptation (Attraction)

80. compelled (Forced)

81. awaiting (Waiting for)

82. gleaming (Shining)

83. black metal (Car)

84. drew (Came)

85. chauffeur (Driver)

86. clasped (Hold firmly)

87. trembled (Shivered)

88. fetch (Bring)

89. hurtling (Running with great speed)

90. midst (middle)

91. flapping (Waving)

92. lithe (Flexible)

93. stretching (Expanding)

94. chauffeur (Driver)

95. tremendous (Huge)

96. leap (Jump)

97. startled (Surprised)

98. swarmed (Climbed)

99. leaned (Bent)

100. shone (Shine)

101. triumph (Victory)

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