Wednesday 28 April 2021

Class 10 Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story WORD MEANINGS

 Class 10 Footprints without Feet Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story by Ruskin Bond

1. betray (Disloyal)

2. though (Still)

3. fairly (Enough)

4. approached (Went near)

5. lean (Thin)

6. purpose (Objective)

7. flattery (False Praise)

8. modestly (Humbly)

9. lied (Told Lie)

10. ahead (Forward)

11. grunting (Roaring)

12. casually (Purposelessly)

13. appealing (Attractive)

14. stray (Street, Wandering)

15. never mind (Don’t worry)

16. achieve (Obtain)

17. fits and starts (Sometimes)

18. queer (Strange)

19. tuck (To press in)

20. pleased (Want)

21. rob (Cheat)

22. beam (Ray)

23. considering (Thinking over)

24. crept (Drag)

25. marks (Spot)

26. sighed (Moan)

27. startled (Worried)

28. crawled (Moved)

29. dashed (Rushed)

30. carriages (Compartments)

31. deserted (Lonely)

32. drizzle (Mild rain)

33. discomfort (Uneasiness)

34. damp (Wet)

35. undetected (Without Caught)

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